
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Day-Closure Settings

1. If you are using the accounting module of Loan Performer, you are strongly advised to run the day closure feature daily! Once the day-closure is done, transactions cannot be modified any more.

2. Before the day-closure, the user can modify manually posted financial transactions. Once the day-closure is done, transactions cannot be modified any more.

3. If however there is need to make adjustment on a closed financial period or year, Loan performer allows the user to open a closed period at Tools/Reopen closed financial years.

4. LPF does not allow a user to book transactions after the maximum number of days that a user can login after last Day- Closure.

5. The MFI can enforce day-closures by limiting the number of days after the last day closure at System/Configuration/Accounting/Day Closure Settings.

How to configure settings for Day Closure?

To configure settings for day closure you go to System/Configuration/Accounting/Day Closure Report and a screen like the one below shows up:

Note that if the cheque format is selected, your reports will have additional columns for Cheque Number, Bank name and Cheque Amount):

Click on the Save button to save the settings and on the Close button to exit.

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